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Treatment Zhanna Friske Russians have collected more than 50 million rubles

Yesterday was officially confirmed information that Zhanna Friske has cancer. After just a few hours after the news spread through all the media first channel with the support of the Charitable Society Rusfond announced fundraising, which will focus on the treatment of the star. Less than a day managed to collect more than 50 million rubles.

At the time of writing the amount remitted was 51,189,975 rubles, and this figure continues to grow steadily.

In that case, if the amount collected funds exceed the amount needed to treat Friske rest of the money will be used to help seriously ill children under guardianship Rusfonda.

Recall that the singer was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor - glioblastoma. Currently actress is to be treated in one of the best western clinics.

In his statement, which dispelled speculation regarding the status of journalists star-law husband Friske Dmitry Shepelyov addressed the audience with a single request - "to support us with a kind word and prayer. " That is what made the majority of Russian celebrities through social networks.

 Zhanna Friske

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