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Battle of Busaco - Part Two

Move 1

Massena commands the cavalry and reserve artillery in the centre, with Ney on the right and Reynier on the left. Reynier pulls ahead as Ney prepares to attack the light division in Moura

The French advance on the ridge

Move 2

The French deploy their guns as they are now in artillery range.

Ney prepares to attack the light division in Moura

Reynier continues to advance on the left

Wellington awaits developments

French right and centre halt, but manhandle their artillery forward within range of the village of Maura.

French left halt, but manhandle their artillery forward within range of the enemy ridge

The allied artillery are all 6 pounders and are still out of range of the enemy

French centre and right manhandle their guns within range of the village of Maura, which is held by the light division. The allied artillery on the ridge behind are out of range of the French gunners.

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