I’m not sure if many people have noticed, but old metal playground equipment is disappearing quickly and is being removed because of safety concerns due to government regulations. OSHA has been sending out safety violations to towns and schools around the country for the past few years. This has changed the landscape of most playgrounds and has turned them into “soft” playgrounds with plastic equipment replacing the old metal equipment.
A few years ago I decided to take some photos of my elementary school playground, but unfortunately I was too late as the playground had just been torn down a few days before. Luckily, the kindergarten playground was still there so I snapped a few photos of that one. It has since been torn down.
My Kindergarten Playground
The main reason for this post is to inspire others to venture out and take photos of any old metal playground equipment before they’re all gone. Some of these are real works of art! There’s a nice photo group on Flickr called Old Playground Furniture where you can see and add old playground equipment photos.
I’m amazed on how fast the 20th Century is fading away. Here we are in just the 7th year of this new century and many things that have been standing for 30, 50, 100 years are quickly being razed. Wonderful old buildings, signs, and landmarks are wiped out everyday for a Applebees or a Kohls store. Every town and city in America is starting to look the same. Ug!
Ok, I better stop or I could easily get on a soapbox here.
Here’s some photos I’ve taken of neato playground equipment I’ve found in the past few years. You can see more of the ones I've found at the Neato Coolville Municipal Playground.

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