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No more subsidizing liberalism with new tax reforms

I am quite tired of supposed rock-ribbed Republicans in high tax states (California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts..et al) getting in front of any microphone they see and whining about the proposed elimination of the deduction of state and local taxes (SALT) from their federal returns.  Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Peter King (R-NY) are crying foul that the proposed reforms will negatively effect their citizens in these high tax states.

Well duh.  Congressmen Issa and King: fight for your constituents and convince them that lower state and local taxes will benefit them, rather than ignoring this federal welfare that sucks off of the rest of us outside of your districts.  Use this tax hike for the benefit of your state in the long run: lay this increase directly at the feet of those who created it in the first place: liberal local Democrats.  Run on this as a platform for change.  Elect Republicans to reverse these high tax conditions.  

Whining about getting rid of the SALT deductions so that your voters can continue to sponge off of their neighboring states is is not a conservative position.  This is not why Republicans are elected - to preserve the subsidization of liberalism.

Voters in these liberal states elect local and state officials who jack up taxes.  These scalawag politicians, however, insist to their constituents that these higher taxes will not affect them, owing to the ability to write them off on their 1040 form.  This is true.  The end result is that this practice is simply mooching off of the rest of the nation; exactly what all liberal politicians run on and are elected and re-elected on.

This is tax welfare, given to liberal state elected officials in return for their local votes.  Enough of this.  If your states vote to jack up state and local taxes, then live with it.  Suck it up.  You voted for it, and don't expect the rest of us to pay for it.

These 'conservative' politicians are assholes.  Start behaving like Republicans and not like jerks.

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