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Just Me Living Life

I have about ten other blogs posts I could/should write today, but I'm writing this one instead! I've had the day to myself as my sister has gone back to college (sad about it) and my parents are at a tailgate. It's been nice, let me tell you.

This is the first day I've gotten to sleep in in three weeks since school started. As for being by myself, I don't mind that at all. I love the company of friends and family, but "me time" is seriously important. I pretty much spend my summers this way. Everyone had jobs and I was unfortunately unemployed. As much as I would have loved to earn some extra cash I looked at this past summer as my last free summer. Next year, I'll be free of the constricting days of high school dance practice and open to the world of marking down "available anytime" on potential job applications.

So, I spent my morning sleeping in and checking up on all social media apps. There's tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, email, etc. All the ones that are hurriedly checked throughout the week for notifications- I take my weekends to enjoy them.

Next, I went on a hunt for cameras. My mom has a good Nikon, but I couldn't get my SD card working with it. Her Coolpix wasn't very successful as that memory card was too full. When I almost gave up hope I found my camera (also a Coolpix; not that it matters). Why? I wanted to film a video for YouTube! I've filmed and uploaded two in the past (an intro and makeup tutorial). The introduction one is definitely embarrassing. First of all, who makes an introduction video for a YouTube channel that no one follows? My friend Rachel and I were a bit obsessed with the YouTube community (you could say that I still am) and wanted to have a go becoming a part. Needless to say, that has never progressed. My other video was a tutorial of getting ready for my sophomore year dance team banquet. I edited it a year later. Procrastinator? Nah. I'm slowly but surely trying it again! Check out this very short review of the movie If I Stay (which I should/will do a blog post on that is much better) and a look into my crazy-all-over-the-place mind.

Anyway, the camera hunt got me thinking- if I really want to do this blogging/(possibly) YouTube thing for real, I should probably get a good camera. One of the big, fancy ones. The downfall would be portability, but once I get a new iPhone that problem should be taken care of. Especially since my current iPhone (4S) takes better pictures than the little camera I have now.

And more recently today, I started reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I've seen it on a lot of "to read" lists and found it in my house. How convenient! I'm only about 40 pages in and it's probably, technically too "adult" for me to read, but I've decided I am 18 and mature, so I made the decision all by myself. It's really good! Hopefully, there will be a book review of it in Stay Gold's future. The funny thing about it is, the book really got me thinking about my future. For those of you who don't know, the book has two perspectives: one of Nick, present day, and his thoughts including his unhappy marriage and one from Amy, her younger self's "diary entries" about her happy, adoration of love for Nick, her new husband. I'm pretty sure he's accused of killing her at some point, after she goes missing, so it's a happy, sappy romance. Back to my point, the happy, sappy romance life is what I WAS thinking about. I think I've always looked forward to the future- it used to be to being a teenager (sike! It's not as easy as the movies make it look) and now I'm onto college, then an apartment in New York, and getting married. I don't have anyone in mind; it's just fun to think about!

Roundabout to blogging, I'm back on my computer typing this. It really has nothing to do with the content on my blog. I just wanted to share. A blurb of my Saturday. Feel free to check out all my social media, share your own thoughts, and happy trails!

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