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The Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award 

I have been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the lovely Dawn at Sassy Little Nails :)
I was so surprised to be nominated for another award, so thank you Dawn.
The rules for this award are:
  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Include a link to their blog.
  • Select 15 new blogs or bloggers that you've recently found, or follow regularly.
  • Nominate those blogs for The Versatile Blogger Award, and let them know they have been nominated by leaving  the link on their blog.
  • Tell the people you have nominated seven things about yourself.
The seven things about me:
  1. I'm 41, been married for 21 years and have four wonderful children. My eldest daughter is 21, then another daughter who's 19, my son is 15 and my youngest daughter is 9. They keep me busy, which keeps me young lol.
  2. I used to make and decorate my own celebration cakes. I loved doing this, but sadly orders slowed down and then stopped as we hit the recession :( I did miss making them, but my nails keep me busy now.  
  3. I was an avid nail biter for most of my life!! Hard to believe but true. Nothing would put me off from biting them. I woke up one morning a good few years back now and just stopped. As the grew I was tempted at all to bite them, and treated myself to my first ever nails polish. Since then I have never looked back :)
  4. I was a carer for my Mum. She sadly passed away 13 years ago, but for the last 9/10 years of her life I was her main carer. She was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. I was moved next door to where she lived so I could be on call. We shared many fun and sad times, together and she was a true fighter, my hero and a very inspirational person <3
  5. I love my music, I'm always bopping around with my headphones on lol. Make up cheerleading routines with my 9 year old lol.
  6. I watched the very first episode of Neighbours back in the day, and still watch it now. My fav soap has to be Emmerdale.
  7. We've had a range of pets through the years, from fish, birds, hamsters, dogs and cats. Sadly no more pets for us now, as our cat Tilly had to be put to sleep back in June as she was very old and her body was giving up on her. We had her from a six month kitten, from a rescue place. She was 19 when she was put to sleep. A very funny and loving cat who will be sadly missed.
The 15 blogs I have chosen to nominate for this award are, in no particular order:
I hope you enjoyed this post, and thanks again to Dawn for the nomination :)
Take care....

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