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Things I'm Loving: March

March was suuuuuuuch an amazing month. Like it may or may not be the best one so far..... March was extremely good to me and I got to do some amazing things like KCFW and celebrating my 1 year blogiversary! My favorites is back to it's regularly scheduled jam packedness so let's get to it! 

No. 1: Big Hero 6//
I watched this movie with the little boys I nanny and oh my gosh if you haven't seen it you NEED to. It's funny, cute, makes you smile and occasionally tear up. It's got such a great message and everyone needs to see it. 

No. 2: Essence liquid liner pen// 
I was in Ulta recently and was in the market for a new liquid liner. I have the Milani liquid liner but I didn't like that it was a brush and not a pen. I was perusing the aisles and stopped by the Essence section. I remember a blogger I follow talking about Essence so I decided to go for it. GUYS, this is an amazing liner!!! It's super easy to use, gives a great line, is super black and doesn't come off until you take it off. Aaaaand it's only $2.99..... SCORE! 

No. 3: Kansas City Fashion Week//
I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing me talk about KCFW but it was one of those life experiences where you just can't help but talk about it! It was surreal honestly. I have to remind myself by looking at pictures to make sure it really happened. You can see Night 1 and Night 2 which are both on the blog now! 

No. 4: You're Not You//
I remember watching the trailer for this movie awhile back and made a mental note to see it when it came out. I got busy as I do and I forgot all about it, until I was on Netflix and saw that they had it! I watched it was not prepared for the amount of tears I shed. It was funny and witty but also sad but sooo good. Definitely a two thumbs up movie for sure! 

No. 5: Benefit Roller Lash mascara//
Ever since it came out and I read Nicole of StoneColdBetch's review on the Roller Lash mascara I knew I needed to give it a whirl. It was on my beauty to-do list and thanks to the wonderful people at Ulta I finally got to try it! It's pretty amazing as everyone/ all the reviews say. I've only used it a couple of times but really like it so far. Perhaps a review is in order? 

No. 6: Life Happens// 
If you need a lighthearted, rom-com movie to watch on Netflix definitely watch this one. It's hilariously cute. It's super relatable to all us 20-something year olds who are trying to figure out our lives. Or at least I related to it..... 

No. 7: Walk the Moon//
This is the first official concert I've been to for 2015 and it was an AMAZING one! I'm obsessed with Walk the Moon and if you haven't heard of them you are seriously not doing life right. They're this electro indie band who's got the best dance jams. They played a kick ass show and I'm so glad I got to see them! A concert recap will be coming soon too!

No. 8: The Royals//
This show is my new obsession. It's kinda like Gossip Girl but set in England and instead of Upper East Sider's it's the Royal family. I didn't have too high of expectations for it but it's insanely good. And it's resurrected my longtime childhood crush on William Mosely aka King Peter of Narnia sooo...... The season just started so you have plenty of time to catch up! 

No. 9: Lovetap!//
Smallpools is one of my favorite bands and got the chance to see them last year and it was also another amazing concert. They released their new album Lovetap! and it's sooooooooo beyond brilliant. It's pretty much all I've been listening to lately. My favorites are American Love, Karaoke, Street Fight, Lovetap! and Dyin' to Live. Go listen to it right now and be obsessed with me!  

No. 10: 1 year Blogiversary//
Back on the 13th I celebrated my 1 year blogiversary of le blog! (Check out the super fun photoshoot I did!) I honestly can't believe that I've been blogging for a year now... it's crazy for me to think about! If you were to tell me a year ago I'd be doing this and going to all these amazing events and opportunities I would have laughed. Thank you to you guys for making all of this happen. It honestly wouldn't if it weren't for you. *insert kissey emoji here*

So those are all my March favorites! I'm sure I'm leaving something out but that's everything that I can actively remember! Like I said March was a beyond amazing month for me. It was one of the bests and I had so many awesome things in it! 

What have you loved for the month of March? Leave me a comment below or strike up a convo with me via social media, @samantha_goble! I'd love to know! :)

Till next month!

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"these are a few of my favorite things"

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