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NOTD - Dragon Skin Nails with Beauty Big Bang Flakies

Hello there lovely readers!

I always love discovering new nail art supply stores & recently Beauty Big Bang came upon my radar thanks to one of my favourite nail artists on Instagram (@hanninator) She reviewed some utterly STUNNING flakies that I knew immediately upon seeing that I simply had to try!
Even though I adore ALL nail polish, there's just something about flakies that gives me palpatations & these sure did that! The Beauty Big Bang Chameleon Flakes come in wee pots of 0.2g in a range of colour/finishes, even though they all look similar in the pot, once applied over a dark polish they transform your nails into the most magical multichrome flakie finish that immediately brings dragon scales to my mind, isn't it just stunning?

I opted for two shades, J2443-4A & J2443-3A which is the first one I will be showing you today. You also receive one of those eyeshadow sponge applicators with your pot of flakes to apply the product, however you can also use a silicone brush like mine here which I picked up super cheaply from Born Pretty Store (product number #34558) or better still your fingers which I find actually works best at distributing the product.
First you need to paint your nails with a dark polish base, black preferably as this will really bring out the flakies to their full potential however shockingly I couldn't actually find a black to hand so instead used Models Own HyperGel in Raven Red a dark vampy black red which I thought would do the job just as well.
I decided to go for a bit of a negative space look here, so I just applied my polish to the top three quarters of my nail leaving the bottom quarter bare. As the HyperGel is quite a thick formula I only went for one coat, but I'd recommend two for a thinner polish.
When your polish is almost dry but still a bit tacky, this is when you go in with the flakie fun! I advise putting some paper down beforehand as the product does have the potential to to fly & make a mess so do take care when opening your pot!
Picking up the flakies with your tool/fingers, start dabbing the flakies on to the polish, then slowly start sweeping up and down until the polish is completely covered & you are left with this simply STUNNING colour shifting finish. Don't worry if you've got it on to your skin, this can simply be rinsed off with water, or a little tip that Hanna gave was also using scotch tape to pick up & remove any stray flakies!
The 3A has the most incredible purple to green shift, I tried to capture it at different angles to try and show you how amazing that colour shift is...ungh *swooons*
I added on a strip of silver holo glitter just to neaten up the negative space before finishing with glossy topcoat to seal which is definitely needed as I noticed the finish was a bit cloudy after I'd applied the flakies, however this was fixed as soon as the topcoat was added :)
I cannot wait to try out the other shade I have & will no doubt report back when I do! The Beauty Big Bang Chameleon Flakies are available online for $5.99 though they are currently on sale for just $2.99 so I may have to go & grab me some more shades as well as a few other lovely looking products that have caught my eye!
Thanks for reading!

Lotsa love to ya!

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