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31 Day Challenge - Day 21 - Inspired by a colour

It’s again a little vague. But like rebecca likes nails and Chalkboard nails, I’m doing inspired by a nail polish colour.  Obviously it had to be Essie Tart Deco, it’s my current favourite. My favourite has not changed for a while; it was Barry M Blue Moon, which I used for this as well. But Blue Moon has been gloopy and running out so I’ve been trying to use it sparingly. I still love it though.

A tart (as in the dessert) and art deco. Wow I’m a genius, never would’ve thought of that from Tart Deco :P I tried copying the design from the Chrysler building, but that failed, but I think it looks like a funky French manicure. The tart looks more like a pie, but it’s still cute!!! :3 I was desperate to use pink somewhere as fuchsia looks really good with Tart Deco.

                                               (A more true colour representation of Tart Deco)
Colours used:
Orange Coral: Essie – Tart Deco
Dark Blue: Barry M – Indigo
Shimmer on dark blue: w7 – Polar Bare
Black: Lovely Me:Ex – Black
White: Natural Collection – White
Brown: The Face Shop – GL112
Light Blue: Barry M – Blue Moon
Dark Brown: w7 – Brownie
Pink: Per Una – Fuchsia

Equipment used:

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