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THE DREADFUL DIARIES : Missing home and snow!

Sorry for the complete lack of posts kids!

I was getting the internet sorted in the house and let me tell you now - there is nothing more annoying then blogging in pubs!!!! Somehow I just keep ending up with pints on the table! I don't know how that could happen.....


So it's been all go this week moving into the new place. I love it here. I consider my house the best investment I have ever made. I just wish I could buy it - thats how much I love it. It makes me feel a bit bad when I think of the state of the housing I have lived in Dublin for the same money. I have almost too much space here! I lived in one that was smaller and falling apart for more money in Dublin 2 for about a year. I had holes in the windows, no heating, exposed live wires (no seriously), damp, uneven floorboards with nails sticking out and this WASN'T  a squat!

Living in the UK has further highlighted things that I took for granted as 'the way it's done'. I speak of course about the shambles of a health system that we have, the expensive travel and the expense of eating out. I recently went home for about 3 days and I flew through money. I took the boy out for a pub lunch, nothing fancy just chicken and chips for him and a steak sandwhich for me, however, two main pub courses and two pints came to thirty euro!!!!! I was shocked!

Next up was transport. I took an hour long bus from the country to the city return to see my dear friend Roland and it was €17!!!!

I love my country and I loved being home. I miss Ireland and I miss the people. I keep meeting Irish people here but it's not the same. We mainly talk about how different life is here. I know its only the UK but there are so many differences. (I need to introduce you to Greggs people!!)

One difference at the moment? Snow. I woke up yesterday morning to a house covered in snow! It's been seriously cold here but I thought we had made it through without a drop. Nope. We got hammered for snow. Luckily I am city center and have managed to escape unharmed but those in country have not been so lucky. Thank god for central heating! I must say though, there is something beautiful about snow - until you have to leave the house!!!!

I went about getting to work in snow with my memories of Dublin two/three years ago! I remember how it snowed and we had no grit so the whole of the city center was a skating rink. I went to work here with the same determination. I applied my make-up sans liner and mascara (it runs in snow), brought a spare change of clothes with me (incase I fell and got wet), I wore four jumpers and a hoody, mittens, hat and scarf, I kept my hands out of my pockets incase I fell and needed to break my fall (better break an arm then my face!) and wore my heaviest boots. I got to work in record time without falling once!

I just hope it clears because outside is still a bit of a winter wonderland. Mergh!


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